how to choose the best packaging for cosmetic from 5 type paper box

The sales volume of cosmetics depends not only on the efficacy of cosmetics, but also on the packaging of cosmetics. Good cosmetic packaging can increase the sales volume of cosmetics. The price of cosmetics can also be judged from the packaging of cosmetics. When choosing cosmetic packaging, you need to consider the material, durability, transportability and price of paper packaging

Rigid boxes are the best packaging for cosmetics

There are three types of rigid boxes: two piece rigid boxes,rigid drawer boxes, and rigid magnetic boxes.These three boxes are made of special paper and cardboard.The boxes are more durable and basically will not be damaged during transportation.The price is slightly expensive.They are mainly used to package some brand cosmetics. At the same time,the price of cosmetics is also relatively expensive.

Tuck boxes are the popular packaging for cosmetics

The most common one packaging for cosmetics in large and small shopping malls is tuck boxes.The tuck box is relatively simple to make, just 350gsm coated paper without paperboard,so the tuck box can be folded easily.The material of paper is not very thin,the tuck box can protect cosmetics well.The durability of the box is average,it is a disposable box.The tuck box basically not be damaged during shipping.The box can save shipping and warehouse cost due to it can be folded.Cosmetics packaged in tuck boxes are generally not particularly expensive.The top advatange of tuck box is price.

Mailer boxes are the outer packaging of cosmetics.

Rigid boxes and tuck boxes are used to directly package cosmetics, but mailer boxes are used to ship and protect cosmetics.During shipping,even if the mailing box is damaged,the rigid box or tuck box inside the box are not damaged, it will not affect the consumer feeling. The outer packaging of cosmetics,mailing box is foldable.

Five type paper packaging boxes, 2-piece gift boxes,drawer gift boxes, and magnet gift boxes are all rigid boxes,they are also the best packaging boxes for cosmetics.Rigid boxes are very common in brand cosmetics packaging.Tuck boxes are more common, save freight and affordable.Mailing boxes are used to transport cosmetics.

Max Dong

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